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Sunday 13 November 2011

I miss being a ‘student’

Throughout my schooling days, I wanted to grow up and get rid of the formal education. Going to school then college and finally to the university – pheww life was killing.  Home-works, class-works, exams, viva getting up early, those uniforms, discipline and what not; and after all these people all around would say school life is the best life and all I could respond was – BULLSHIT.

Apparently for the past 20 years I wanted it to end and now that it is over, within 3 months I miss being a ‘student’. I miss spending time with friends, I miss those lunch breaks when we would share our tiffin, those 10 mins chat after school got over, playing in the school bus, waiting for vacations to come and then desperately wanting it to get over when we could get back to the class. Then face the scolding and punishments as I would always have pending holiday home-works :p. All the fun I had in class trips right from the one to Shantiniketan in class 6 to one in Aviemore when in the University. Those high school crushes, fights with friends, arguments, bunking of classes, sleeping in the early morning lectures (spl in Xavier’s)  life was so much fun.

All of sudden, I am not a student anymore. I don’t get vacations. Even Sundays are not holidays. No one scolds me when I don’t do my home-works, actually I don’t get any home-work. No more friends around, everyone is so busy with their lives. Yes I don’t have semester exams anymore but now every day is an exam. Have to prove my metal every given moment. And strangely I don’t even get notes or books to prepare for such exams. Now I understand how much fun school life was.  A few months back whenever I came across a student I would feel sorry for him/her as they had years of torture to come their way. Now when I see a student I feel pitty on myself as those fun filled ‘torture’ would never come back in my life.  


  1. As they say only when u lose a thing you understand the importance of the thing... Yup those days were fun.. but sadly as its true everything should come to end!!!

  2. aye.. unfortunately i have no pics from JMHS.. just some beautiful memories in my heart
