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Saturday 30 July 2011

My first day in UoG

As every good thing comes to an end, inevitably this wonderful time that I spent in Glasgow had to end and so it did. But nevertheless left behind some very precious and cherishing memories that would be treasured in my heart for the rest of my life. First tings first. lets see how it all started ...........

My first day in UoG, 22nd September 2011, yes I was a couple days late and probably the only two classes that I missed in the entire year. So, my first day, a bit nervous as I walked into the mammoth structure of the University of Glasgow main building. I met AMT and with that glittering smile of her's, she guided me to room 250 in the Gilbert Scott Building, a class with students from all corners of the world, was expected to be so, but could never imagine how it would be without actually experiencing it. I was all set for my first ever encounter with such a multi-ethnic class. As I looked around I saw unfamiliar but friendly faces, and things gradually started switching from nervousness to excitement. I walked down to the second last row and sat beside a tall no actually very tall guy. The Big Bastian, eventually the first one in the class I interacted with. Helpful as he is, he passed on the slide copies and directed me to the proceedings of the class. Guess I had made a friend already J. So the class went on and emotions within me started to calm down. Things were different -  the teaching pattern, use of electronic medium, and even before I could come to terms with what was happening, Prof. Marian Jones calls me up and says I shall be injected into one of the groups for the course work (now as I was late, the groups were already formed and I was to be adjusted somewhere). So she finally assigns me to Group 5. As she asked the members of the group to raise hands so that I can know who I am with, a reluctant hand in the first row went up in rather discontent (probably I wasn’t quite wanted). But then it was to be and I got into my first group to start with.

After a while we had a recess and we all went down to the café to grab some food. It was quite good, had a very few veggie options though. Here I got a chance to interact with a few of my classmates. A brisk inttro with all and we went back to the class and this time with another new student entering along. It was hmmmmmmm Li or Tmac or Tracy ah whatever. I sat with him this time at the front right hand corner and I made this second friend J. Time went by at rocket speed or may be because it was so eventful a day that i could not keep pace with time. Finally the class got over and I was about to leave when the apparent ‘C.E.O’ of my group calls me from behind and informs that we are supposed to have a group meeting right away. Cool, so be it. Hence, we, a group of six, i.e. Andy, Anand, Lili, Madina, Poornima and me, walked back to the café where the meeting was scheduled. Guess I was really lucky to have been a part of the team as in spite of entering an already formed group, I gelled in quite easily (would like to thank them all for accepting the cranky). After a brief discussion we called it day, and we dispersed back home.

 The day wasn’t yet over though as I had to meet yet another classmate of mine, not in the class but at the corridor of the place I was living in. While walking back to my room I came across this guy, with a lot of shopping bags, struggling near the lift, trying to make his way into the Flat. We started moving together and to our greatest astonishment, we eventually entered the same flat. The best thing that could happen, I was to stay with my classmate – Fahd. Had a bit of a chat and then entered our respective rooms. Guess what? right adjacent to each other J. Third friend I guess. So an eventful day thus came to an end, a perfect start to a perfect year that was in store for me. 


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this Professor Nakhat...!!!! Gimme more...LOL

  2. hahahhaha thanks for the appreciation anthonia
