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Sunday 29 May 2011

The 'RIGHT TIME' that never comes.

‘I am waiting for the right time to start’. This excuse was rather coined even before man knew what time is. Most of us keep on lingering around, waiting for ‘the’ time to do a task but unfortunately the clock never strikes the hour we look for. The question here is, are we actually waiting for the right sequence of circumstances to fall in place? Or is it yet another way of saying - I don’t want to do it; even better – I cannot do it? As Coelho quotes ‘life was always a matter of the right moment to act’. We leave countless big and small life changing opportunity pass by just because we feel that it’s not the right moment. So many decisions are taken against our will just because we think the time isn’t right. Eventually we get so defensive in our approach that if at all the ‘right time’ ever comes, we are not ready for it.

We keep waiting for the right moment to start a venture but the wait goes on till someone else crops up with the same idea and goes on to materialise it. This starts very early in our lives. Remember when you got the exam schedule and awaited the right time to start studying but alas! the time never came unless you entered the examination hall to realise it was too late. Or when you wanted to approach that special person but were waiting for things to fall in place for you and then one day it was all over when you saw the person embracing someone else’s arms. So many around us who always wanted to tell their parents how much they loved them but waited till they were no more to hear the magical words. Since we start our professional careers, shoulder responsibilities, most of us keep thinking – yes I’ll live that one day for myself. Come that day and I shall start pursuing what I wanted to do and not what others wanted me to do.  But the day never comes, less you are resting in the black box six feet under the surface. We keep waiting for that right instance while the time smoothly passes by. It never stopped for anybody and you are no special to make it change its nature.

So what is it that you want to think or recollect when you are rocking on the easy-chair having seen 60 springs in your life? Is it – what a life that I lived, did all I wanted to; tried everything I could. Or, Ah! If only I had made that small move, if only I had the courage to do it, life would have been so different. Things never would come the way you want and if everything is coming your way, you are driving on the wrong side of the street. So if we want time to be right, we have to make the move and go against the tide. 

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