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Tuesday 18 October 2016

Is Religion Outdated?

Religion is a belief in some super natural being - a protector, creator also a destroyer. Religion is something that gives people strength and courage, teaches descipline, shows the right path and way of living life. 

That is what the dictionary meaning of religion is or should we say the original motive for which it was brought into existance. But in the given scenario when the route cause of most of the violance across the globe is religion, is it worth following it? 

Something that leads to mass destruction, killing of people, division of society, generating hatred; is it by any means good ?

To answer the question, let us go back in time and analyse why was religion formed. In my opinion, thousands of years back when there was no concept of a uniform country, no strong ruler ( leave aside the concept of democracy), no written laws, humans in general were far from being civilised, there was serious lack of education, all humans were free to do what they believed is good and refrain from doing what they thought was bad. In that case some intelligent, far sighted and thinking lot of people came up with the idea of religion. Through which they could explain people, what is right and what is wrong. 

May be it was still tough to explain the logic of right and wrong to the primitive lot, hence they added rewards and punishments to the human karma. But the twist is, as there was no written strong law people would abide by or a ruler/government to impose such law, religion came with the idea of hell and heaven/Jahannum and jannat/swarg and narak. As the then masters were incapable to punishing or rewarding the commoners, they said such rewards or punishments will get accumulated during the lifetime and they shall be befitted with it in the after life.

In those days, when people were uneducated and uncivilised, may be this was the right way to teach people and make them live a righteous life as they were 'God Fearing' people. But in today's world is this still valid? 

Today we live in much different world. There is a proper country wise classification of our living area bounded by the law of the land. Democratic or imperial every country is well equipped to judge our deeds, good or bad and do justice accordingly. We are evolved, civilised and educated enough to understand why such laws are made and what is right and wrong.

The real question we need to answer today is, what will make us more disciplined and better humans. Law of the land or Religion? What will imbibe more fear in today's people. Fear of punishment by law, going to jail, societal punishment while still alive or the fear of rotting in hell after the life is done with. What will make us more happy and encourage us to do good work? Worldly praise, rewards or the hope of going to heaven after death. 

Well in my opinion we as humans have evolved enough to not be treated like a small kid. Religion is like where a kid is told if you do something wrong the monster will punish you and if you behave the fairy Godmother will be happy and will gift you. The current human race is a result of millions of years of evolution so lets try and behave like it. Lets get more practical. Lets put country and its law above all. 

More so, in a situation where religion is doing more harm to the society than it is doing the good for it, I guess its time we move on from the idea of religion and set a proper uniform rules for our society where we can all live together as one. With no communal hatred, no baseless discrimination, no violence and killing in the name of religion. 

May God (oops sorry), may We be able to create such a world of humanity and peace very soon .