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Thursday 25 October 2012

Why being in love is important

To be in love is the best feeling/emotion that God has blessed the mankind with. And no, this is not about loving your parents, siblings, cousins, relatives or any such other person. Of course all of them do have a very important role to play in our lives but then, there is this someone special whom we don’t get as a relative since birth but whom we choose from the crowd of a zillion. A standout soul that makes us feel that we are complete. We have all at some point met this somebody who is different from the rest, for whom we care, who looks familiar at the first sight, for whom we get this urge to be with, someone who means so much to you that their mood effect yours, someone purely magical. 

There are many opinions that float around us regarding the consequences of being in love. They say it distracts you, curbs you, weakens you, some even say love can be the greatest cause for your commercial failure. For me, being in love is completely different. Being in love actually gives you the strength and reason to do and achieve something beyond your grasp. Romance in life helps you feel good about yourself. When in love, you get this urge to prove yourself, stretch your abilities, broaden your horizon. William Shakespeare was rightly quoted saying “Love asks me no questions, and gives me endless support”. And all of this has nothing to do with whether or not your loved one is with you. It is not romantic to be with whom you love; to be in love itself is romantic.

 Never should we run away from this awesome feeling of being in love for the fear that we may lose, or even worse, never get to be with the beloved. As Groucho Marx once said “It is better to have loft and lost than to never have loft at all”. Only a person who has been in love can understand life, the marvels and beauty of nature. From personal experience I can say when I am not in love, when there is no such special one in my life, there seems a great void, an emptiness that bites your soul. The world around appears dull, everything is so spiritless. You have nothing to live for.

Finally I would conclude saying Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. So do not run away from love. Love someone, be loved by someone and life would be a fairy tale.